Travel essentials

With all this travel I've been doing I've started to really understand what works for me and now I have a "travel pack". I started making lists of things to remember to take with me. Thought I'd share some of my travel essentials, things I just can't go without.

  • Bose headphones - I used to have the small on-ear headphones from Bose that broke last month and I can't seem to find them anywhere. I guess they discontinued them. I did a bunch of research and kept coming across these as the best in the game. Hefty price tag but SO worth it. Super comfy, noise-cancelling which is actually amazing, and great sound quality.
  • Earplugs - I'm a light-sleeper and like to block out any sound distractions. They aren't noise-canceling but they do a good job of muffling.
  • Eye mask - Like I said, light sleeper over here. This eye mask fits the face perfectly.
  • Socks - I get cold easily and I like to keep my toes warm.
  • Scarf - An easy blanket.
  • Pillow - Yes, it looks weird and maybe a little gross but it's the best travel pillow ever.
  • Gum and Aquaphor - Keep that mouth fresh and those lips supple.
  • Magazines/books - My favorite magazine is Wired. I like reading print especially when I'm traveling.
  • Travel charger - This charger from Anker is small enough to keep in your pocket or purse and a life-saver when you're always on your phone for long stretches. All their chargers are great.
  • Notebook/pen - The beauty and charm of old school pen and paper to jot down those ideas and doodle. I love these lightweight Moleskines.
  • A good set of Spotify playlists. I'll be updating my Spotify with my faves so follow me, username Humailee.
  • Hulu and other shows downloaded
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